
My schedule is easy to remember. You may call anytime, however, the best times to reach me are I work, Monday through Saturday from 9 AM until 9 PM Eastern with the one exception – on Saturdays, as I observe the Sabbath, I promptly log off at 6 PM. Keep in mind that I am not married, I do not have any children, and my friends are aware of my extracurricular activities. So, my time is my own and I opt to spend it reveling in my work and exploring my intimate self.

When you call my toll-free number, 1-888-669-6389, you get me directly. There are no recordings. However, if I’m on the other line, at a club or something, you’ll get a message recorded in my voice letting you know when I plan to return.  I have one pet peeve and that is a guy who calls over and over and over again without listening to my message. Listen to the damn message and follow my instructions. Let’s see, the most interesting place I took a call? More like places… the driving range of a golf course in Rockville, the Library of Congress, Arlington Hospital and in my car parked outside a grocery store.

As I live within the Washington, DC metropolitan area, a region whose lifeblood are federal employees who dictate the availability of transportation, store hours and the wait times for every business from banks to restaurants, I make a point of never working during federal or religious holidays.

Written by Cheryl Black
Last revised: September 16, 2019